Monday, June 6, 2011

2-week follow up appointment...pukes and giggles...

So, the last two weeks were hard.  My blog suffered because it HURT to sit in the desk chair.  And the most exciting thing EVER... when i drink a dairy-based shake, or try and eat more than one ounce of pudding or yogurt, I have the most extraordinary puking skills I've ever seen.  Nothing like the pre-surgery puking.  More like the down elevator decided to go UP instead.  I should be feeding baby birds.  Seriously.  I can predict it now.  2 oz of sugar-free pudding and i need to have a bucket next to me.  No warning.  No spasm.  Just a reverse swallow.  Yay!  I'm now Pukey Mc Vomit with dairy stuffs.  The doc says this might be temporary, or there's a chance i have developed lactose intolerance because of the surgery.  Here's hoping that it's temporary.  I likes me some dairy.  All fat girls do... right?!?!

Anyways, oddly enough, i discovered through the boards at that (request a map if you get lost here) my hubby's co-worker's wife had her sleeve surgery done the same day by the same doc!  Whoot!  Instant surgery buddy!!  Haven't met her yet, but we're thinking of being the Dyamic Insecure-Fat-Girl-at-the-Gym Duo!  Always better with company.  Plus, we can mock the people that are there all alone since we obviously have more friends than they do!!  Ha!!

So, at two weeks out, i'm still on pureed foods.  Got to get my 80g of protein and 48 ounces of water in every day.  The water is tough.  more than 4 oz of fluids at a time is a no-go.  And most times, just 4 oz is enough to make me feel all sloshy inside... Like when you're soooo drunk you can't pee fast enough and it makes you feel like a 70's waterbed...  Yeah, like that... but without the hugging strangers part.

Ice pops rock.  The cheap plastic-sleeve kind.  The ones i can get at the dollar store (24 ice pops for a buck, baby!).  Yeah, i love those.  1.5 ounces of fluid each.  Stoopid, i know, but it heps to get the fluids in on badly sloshy days.  I haven't hurled up an ice pop yet!

I'm going to get an ice pop and research gym prices...  Ooooh, and in 30 minutes i can have more pureed chicken!!  (yay for sarcasm!)

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