Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Nutritionist/NP Follow-Up...

My regular nutritionist wasn't in, so a new one got stuck with me.  No one seemed to get the update that I was not 3 months out from a sleeve, I am 3 weeks out for a RnY now.  Same story explanation sixteen times to several different people.  Nutritionist says i need more protein.  Solid goal of 80g a day.  **sigh**  I'm trying.  I know.  Also, I need more carbs.  What??  Carbs make me dump.  Carbs are bad.  You want me to eat crackers?!?!  I'm 3 weeks out, ya know...  Okay. Whatever. Crackers.  I miss my other nutritionist.

Nurse Practitioner was actually the bariatric coordinator from the hospital.  She remembers me from the seminar in february.  She visited me both times in the hospital.  Finally someone who knew what was going on.  My labs came back and everything was well within healthy range.  I'm doing well with my blood pressure, and my incisions are healing well.

I told her that my clothes are fitting differently, but i still don't LOOK different to me.  Apparently, that's normal, too.  It takes a while for the brain to catch up.

Best quote of the day, "Did you notice that the tattoo on your neck is moving to curve around your jaw now? Watch your tattoos move as you lose weight."  Bwaaahahahahaha.

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