Monday, November 7, 2011

Buhbye PEJ... You friggin' piece of crapulence...

On October 26th I was schedule to have my PEJ removed at my surgeon's office.  He said it wasn't a big deal... kind of like having a drain tube removed, but it hurts more.  Hurts more?  A lot more?  Oh, well, it depends on the person...

Sure.  Of course.  It hurts more.

After a month of pinching and pulling and struggling with the PEJ tube seepage, I was ready for some pain to get it out.  My lovely sister was designated as my chauffeur for this appointment.  I tried to tell her it was okay if she stayed in the waiting room.  She insisted on going in with me.  Muahahahahaha.... ahem. 

Anyway, It was over fairly quickly.  The surgeon had me lay down on the table and removed the stitches that held the PEJ in place.  He commented on how well i had taken care of the site, and that it was clean and looked really nice.  The doc removed 2 syringes worth of saline from the port marked "BALLOON" on my chickenfoot tube end.  The doc explained that I was to take a deep breath and as I exhaled, he would remove the tube.  I explained to him that if it DID hurt more than having the drain tube taken out, there was a definite possibility of me having a brief moment of  uncontrollable Tourette's.  He laughed and said he fully expected it.

My sister was seated at the foot of the table.  I told her i was closing my eyes and suggested she leave the room.  She assured me she was okay.

I took a deep breath and  *FOOM*! HOLYCRAPMONKIES! MOTHERFLETCHER! CHEESEANDCRACKERS!  The tube was out. One good continuous yank.  Man, he was not kidding about the pain.  The site was cleaned up and bandaged as he told me that t would definitely seep for a few days until the hole sealed itself.  Then he showed me the tube that I had grown to despise so much... He inflated the balloon at the end and told me where it was positioned and why it tends to be so painful for everyone.  Ok, makes sense.  *whew* Glad that's over...

...and that's when i noticed my sister was white as a sheet.  I swear, the woman is 6 years older than me, and i had to keep checking on her all day.  Are you ok?  Not gonna pass out?  She still yells at me about having nightmares about tubes.  ...sheesh, it's not like it was stuck in her gut for a month.  Sissylala... Now she's mad at me and refuses to go to any doctor appointments with me....  *rolls eyes*

1 comment:

  1. brief moment of Tourette's LOL Had to giggle at that one!
