Thursday, October 6, 2011

Third time's the charm.... Right?!?

A lot has happened since my last post a month ago... I was keeping liquids down half of September.  Around the 15th or so, random things would come back up.  The thicker the liquids, the more likely they would revisit me.  Soon after, the protein shakes were a no-go.  I would still try, but alas, my angry tummy said NO.  It steadily got worse.  More frequent and less staying down...

By September 24th, I was tired and weak.  I was getting dizzy and having this horrible headache.  I was going to the bathroom once, maybe twice, a day.  That was it.  I was toast.  It was a Saturday, but I couldn't take it anymore.  I called my surgeon's office almost in tears.  The surgeon called me back and said he'd reserved a room for me at the hospital.  Get there now.

I was assessed as clinically dehydrated and borderline malnourished.  My blood counts came back high enough to clear me for surgery.  I was declared NPO (nothing by mouth) and gave the IV tech a difficult time finding a vein for basic fluids.  The surgeon said that we might as well do this as soon as possible... At 9pm Saturday night, I was told that surgery would be 7am Sunday morning. 

For some reason, I was scared.  I mean, I already had two surgeries, no big deal.  This time, it was a big deal to me.  Cue emotional freakout..


  1. I am praying for you, I know you are "supposed" to be the strong one (like me), but it's ok to have a melt down. Just know that everything will be ok and this too shall pass. (((((hugs)))))

  2. I hope you're doing ok **virtual neenernet hugs**
