Sunday, August 28, 2011

You can never have too many....

EGD's.  Yeah.  I've had three already.  Tomorrow is my 4th.  Enough already.  My new walnut-sized pouch has decided to throw things back at me like my sleeve did.  I'm still keeping down some liquids, and if I eat and sit really still, I'm okay... Otherwise, I'm again feeding the imaginary baby birds...

Needless to say, my doc said on Friday that I might be developing a stricture again...  EGD scheduled for Monday with a possible balloon dilation.  I dread the possibility of getting admitted into the hospital again. What recourse do i have if this dilation doesn't work?!?  PICC line was mentioned, so was PEG line.  DO NOT WANT.

I'm terrified.  I am sooo entirely afraid that the forced bypass is going to go all wrong like my sleeve did.  I pride myself on a good false front.  I'm the strong one.  Nope, It's okay.  I'm fine.  That's really hard for me right now.  I need someone to tell me it's gonna be okay.  The hubby is a great support, but he's worried.  That makes me worried.  As usual, I will try and suck it up and act like I'm not worried... and try not to cry infront of strangers...


  1. You're a superstar how well you're managing through all this. You've had a heck of a time and I think you're stronger than you know.

    It will all be okay *virtual hugs*
