Sunday, August 21, 2011

Oh? A new jacket?!? Why do the sleeves tie in the back??

I have a recurring dream that my weight permanently stalls at the 1 month post-op point. I keep eating like I'm supposed to, I watch my protein intake, but I am forever stuck as I am now. Paranoia is setting in. I'm starting to believe it. I asked on one of the forums if anyone else experiencing this particular flavor of crazy.  They all answered that "stalls happen" and "just keep your protein intake up"....

Um... Hello?!?!  Did you even read what i posted?  WTF?!?  This is why i lurk.

**bangs head on desk**


  1. My weight has been stalled for the past 2 weeks and I am almost 1 month post op (surgery date: 7/27) ... I am so frustrated!!!! I hate my scales!!!!

  2. As Imention in a response to a forum post - I have stopped asking people "How stupid are you?" I believe some have begun to take it as a personal challenge
