Saturday, July 30, 2011

Ponderings on pain and religion...

My pain level is off the charts today.  My surgeon gave me and Rx for liquid Dilaudid, and that's helping a bit, although it tastes like burning...  Ick!!  I'm gathering my thoughts and will try to keep my blog more updated, but damn, this desk chair hurts.

It's just a constant stabbing pain from my left side to my right.  If i cough, or sneeze, or move wrong, it turns into a ripping pain.  There's really nothing I can do about it til the tests results come back from my CT scan.

I'm wondering what i could have done to prevent this.  I'm wondering what i should have done instead.  I'm wondering if I should become a christian and ask for help, or become a catholic and figure i deserve this...

**shrugs** I guess I'll take another dose of Dilaudid and go sleepies...


  1. Very unfortunate what has happened, but I don't think there is anything you could have done to prevent it, it's just the way your body reacted. I know it all seems sucky right now, but several months from now, when you're feeling better and you have lost a bunch of weight you will be glad you did it. Chin up girl, "this too shall pass". ((((hugs))))

  2. This too shall pass and you'll be slim & HEALTHY. If you're Jewish, you surely would feel guilt...But don't, this was not your fault, shit happens! OXOXO
