Friday, May 20, 2011

Got my supplies.... Now what?!?

Hooray, proteins!  I started out my medically supervised diet (required by insurance) with a nutritionist.  She suggest i try some proteins and see what i liked.  The Syntha-6 shakes are rather killer.  The Vanilla Ice Cream flavor is, by far, my favorite.  I have that one, a Syntha-6 Caramel Latte, and a BSN Dessert Chocolate Fudge Pudding made by the same company.  The Isopure is for the clear liquids phase.  haven't tried them yet, but they all are supposed to taste like thin kool-aid, from what I've heard.

Vitamins, etc:  Calcium, multi-vitamin with iron, biotin, B-12, and lip balm for the hospital (i still need to get omega-3 before Sunday).  What else can i say... they're chewable.  The Bariatric Advantage calcium is expensive, but i was having trouble finding calcium citrate in chewable form.  They're chocolate flavored and not bad, a little gritty... Flintstones taste the same as ever, and the B-12's are sublingual cherry flavored.  Quick dissolving, for the win!

Supplies for the liquids/transitioning phase... Sugar-free Jello, broth, bullion, soups, packets of miso, Crystal Light, Propel mix, banana applesauce, and there's a jar of PB2 in there somewhere...and yes, they're all just rather thrown into a box.  That's how i organize...

I had this horrible feeling that i don't have enough supplies for after surgery.  After reading some posts on and some blogs, looks like I'm over-stocked!  This doesn't include the two blender bottles (16oz and 20oz), the heating pad, the canned veggies (for pureeing), or the yogurt, ricotta cheese, ice cubes, chicken breast, and various other groceries and sundries...  I think I'm good now...

**Thanks to Shanna1001 from the boards for the supply picture idea!! Brilliant!**

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